
Discover more Details about our services

Dental Composite
Conservative Dentistry

Conservative Dentistry involves treatments for dental cavities ,dental caries and use of dental cements and sealants to arrest or prevent progression of the same . Usage of tooth colored cements , or the traditional steel colored filling materials come under conservative dentistry .

Oral & Maxillofacial Speacility

The oral and maxillofacial surgery practice focuses primarily on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital or acquired diseases, dysfunction, defects or injuries of the mouth, jaws, face, neck and adjacent craniofacial regions.

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthpedics

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that is concerned with the proper re-alignment of tooth or teeth into their respective anatomical areas, so as improve or restore functional esthetics , structural balance and esthetic harmony. Dentofacial Orthopedics on the other hand is responsible for guiding structural growth and  development usually in the growing stages 


The term endodontics comes from the Greek words for Endo and “odont” which mean inside “inside” and “tooth” respectively . This branch of dentistry is  concerned with diseases and injuries of the soft tissue of a tooth namely the Dental Pulp 


Periodontics is an area of dentistry that deals with gum diseases and other concerns that affect the gums and mouth. While various oral surgeries are  often included in this field, periodontics is most concerned with improving and treating gum disease, and other dental problems that occur in the mouth. One of the most common treatments of this field are scaling and deep scaling 

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry or Pedodontics is responsible for providing primary, preventive & therapeutic oral health care for infants, children and adolescents including those with special health care needs 


Dental Implants are a permanent solution for restoring your smile in a natural way, they are permanently cemented in the jawbone and are supported by natural teeth or other dental implants. These act as artifical substitutes for natural tooth roots


Liposuction (or lipoplasty) is the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States. It is surgery that removes unwanted fat from specific areas, improving the contours of your body. The most frequently treated areas include the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, upper arms, neck, and chin.

Smile Designing

Smile Designing is multidisciplinary art 


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