Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The oral and maxillofacial surgery practice focuses primarily on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital or acquired diseases, dysfunction, defects or injuries of the mouth, jaws, face, neck and adjacent craniofacial regions.


From what was a small field of basic extractions, with time the scope of this dental branch has expanded which presently include 

  1. Basic Extractions
  2. Complex surgical extractions (like Wisdom Tooth Extractions)
  3. Cyst & Tumor Treatments 
  4. Trauma Care
  5. TMJ ( Temporomandibular joint) disorders management 
  6. Management of salivary gland(glands responsible for production of saliva) diseases
  7. Management of Cleftlip & Palate
  8. Pre-prosthetic Surgeries
  9. Management of pre- cancerous lesions 
  10. Management of Oral Cancer
  11. Management of oro-facial pain
  12. Dental Implantology

Tooth Extraction

Most common reasons for tooth extraction:

  1. Tooth beyond the possibility of restoration , with positive prognosis
  2. Grossly destructed tooth
  3. Supranumery teeth:
  4. Wisdom Teeth related issues
  5. Overcrowding Teeth
  6. Peiodontically Compromised Teeth:
  7. As part of Orthodontic Treatment regimen

Maxillofacial Fractures

Most common reasons for tooth extraction:

  1. High Impact Accidents
  2. Workplace accidents
  3.  Sports Injuries
  4. Blunt Force Trauma 
  5. Interpersonal Injuries or Domestic Violence 
  6. Falls

Preprosthetic Surgeries:

Alveolectomy & Alveoplasty

Alveolectomy & Alveoplasty are Surgical trimming and recontouring of aleveolus (bone surrounding the tooth) respectively. 

Tori Excision

Tori’s are bony overgrowths localized to particular area. On the upper jaw(maxillae)  it usually occurs ate the center of the palate and in the lower jaw(mandible) behind the premolars. As such they are not associated with any problems , but act as a hindrance for partial or complete denture construction and placements 

Jaw(Temporomandibular Joint aka TMJ) Pain & Disorders