Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry or Pedodontics is responsible for providing primary, preventive & therapeutic oral health care for infants, children and adolescents including those with special health care needs


The term Pedodontics come from 2 greek words, Pedo from “pais” (child) and dontics (study of tooth). 

  1. Overall Health: Not just dental but health as a a whole of the child is the primary concern
  2. Prevention: Early intervention and prevention of dental or medical issue
  3. Examination of Developing Dentition:
  4. Positive Dentists: We make sure the every visit of your child is friendly and rememberable. We first make the child comfortable , composed , help ease his young anxious mind and only then proceed with pressing concerns.
  5. Tremendous Patience, delicate handling with tender loving care and affection

Pits & Fissure Sealants

Pits the small pin point depressions and fissures deep grove on the upper surface of some teeth , are difficult to maintain clean especially by children. Inability to properly clean , quite often added with the improper brushing techniques of children makes these areas susceptible to caries . Pit & Fissure sealants provide protective coverings in such areas

Cements & Fillings

Dental Restoration in Kid

While Pit & Fissure Sealants act and help before initiation of Dental Caries by providing a protective barrier , but once a cavity has been formed due to demineralization of tooth action by the acidic action of Bacteria, simple sealants cant be used. Special dental cements and fillings materials are used as restorative materials need to be used, to stop the further spread and arrest the caries. 

Endodontic Treatments for Kids

One of the most common reasons for of tooth pain in children is progress of caries into the deeper soft tissue of the tooth. As a parent you might notice

  1. Refusal to eat : Child may start avoiding his most favorite dish too
  2. Fussy about food
  3. Child may start showing signs of malnutrition
  4. Weakness can give rise to lack of interest in daily activities like studying..
Based on the severity and condition after oral examination and correlation with radiographs a conservative approach(like in direct pulp capping , direct pulp capping or pulpotomy) or a more radical approach (like pulpectomy or root filling) may be needed
Child with tooth pain

Tooth Removals

We advice for tooth removal(extracti0on) only when absolutely necessary . 

Some common indication for tooth removal:

  1. Severe Tooth Decay: beyond the scope of dental restoration or endodontic treatment
  2. Interference: Primary Teeth/Milk Teeth’/ Baby Teeth hampering the normal eruption of their permanent counterparts
  3. Extra Teeth
  4. Tooth trauma : Broken root
  5. Loose Teeth: 
tooth removal in children

Treatment for Irregular Teeth

Dental Braces common called as clip or wire treatment constitute treatments for irregular or malpositioned teeth. But its not just braces , improper teeth movements can be prevented , intercepted , stopped with the help of multitude of options which include:

  1. Habit Breaking Techniques(counselling , medications and or appliance
  2. Space Maintainers
  3. Fixed Braces
  4. Removable Appliances

Do you KNOW!!!

If your child has any of the following habits , he’s more likely to have not only his present teeth but the permanent teeth (which will be with him till lifetime) to be irregular..

  1. Thumb Sucking
  2. Tongue Thrusting
  3. Mouth Breathing
  4. Bruxism( teeth grinding)
  5. Lip Sucking/ Lip Biting
  6. Cheek Biting
  7. Nail Biting