
Periodontology or periodontics comes from Greek terms peri= around and odontos=tooth , hence as the name suggests this department is concerned of diseases and conditions around the tooth rather than the tooth itself; which include 

  1. Gums ( Gingivae )
  2. Bone ( Alveolar Bone )
  3. Cementum (Outer layer of the root of the tooth ) 
  4. Periodontal Ligament (Tooth supporting fibers that hold the tooth within the bone)


Basic Scaling

Basic scaling involves using manual or ultrasonic means to remove superficial stains, plaque and calculus from the surface of the tooth.  Based on the severity of the condition basic scaling can be done in one-two sittings. Commonly this is procedure is called teeth cleaning.



Deep Scaling ( Scaling & Root Planning)

Deep scaling is similar to Basic Scaling with the difference , here scaling is not just done above the gum(gingivae) line but also. For bleeding gums associated with calculus this is usally the first line of treatment.

  1. Helps in mild to moderate tooth mobility conditions 
  2. Used as a adjunct treatment for multiple dental treatments eg: crowns, bridges , etc

Must Read : Misconceptions and FAQ about Dental Scaling

  1. Confusion:  Dental Scaling and Tooth Whitening Procedures are different, while dental scaling comes under essential dental treatments, teeth whitening are optional dental aesthetic procedures. Dental scaling will help not magically reduce improve the tooth shade, but help remove the overlying stains(Eg: Pan and Ghutka Stains External Stains will get removed , but for the stains that have entered the teeth surface, one might require intervention of teeth whitening procedures) 
  2. Sensitivity: Occurrence of mild tooth sensitivity is extremely normal, for couple of days usually 3-7 days if it all. So nothing to worry about 
  3. How Often? Based on need and requirement once in 6 months is fine 

Flap Surgery

Flap Surgeries involve raising a small flap/s of the gingivae and mucosa to improve visibility and access to bone and root surface of the bone .

Some indications

  1. Gingivae (Gum) Pocket Correction
  2. Mild to Moderate Tooth Mobility 
  3. Irregular Bony Contours
  4. Deep Craters

Success rates depend on patient compliance and plaque control


LANAP stands for Laser-assisted new attachment procedure. This FDA approved periodontal procedure helps in 

  1.  True periodontal regeneration,
  2. New bone growth
  3. Gum tissue reattachment

The beauty of LANAP is the targeted approach at the site of infection with Nd:YAG  Laser without suture or scalpel interventions 

Gingival Depigmentation

Gingival Depigmentation procedures help in reducing or removing the gingival(gum) pigmentations. Gingivae( Gum)  hyperpigmentation can be defined as a darker gingival color beyond what is normally expected. Its a aesthetic / cosmetic procedure as darker or hyperpigmented gums have no kind of negative impact on the overall health of the mouth or body as a whole. But, lighter gum shades as part of gum depigmentation give a more youthful alure to the patient

Common reasons for hyperpigmentation :

  1. Smoking: Smokers Melanosis
  2. Ethnic Reasons: Eg: People of color usually tend to have darker gums compared to people of west, Europe and Asian Origin
  3. Physiologic Reasons Associated
  4. Pathological Reasons Associated
  5. Drug Induced 
  6. Amalgam Tattoo

Options Available with us

  1. Laser Depigmentation 
  2. Chemical Peels
  3. Surgical Intervention 


Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening involves treatments for lowering the level of the gum line for 2 major indications.

  1. Gummy smile correction
  2. Adjustment of Dental Crown