Wisdom Toot Removal

What are Wisdom Teeth ?

Wisdom Teeth are the third molars , which are one last teeth to erupt in the mouth. Usually Wisdom teeth erupt any time between late teens to early twenties. Not everyone has all the 4 wisdom teeth, some have few , some have none, presence or absence of wisdom teeth need not be a cause of worry. Quite often they are misaligned or improperly positioned because of which they tend to create pain and discomfort and need to be removed , this misposition can adjacent 2nd Molar the presence of which is necessary for normal form and functioning .

No, its not necessary to get your wisdom tooth or teeth removed. They might require to be removed only if they are impacted , causing jaw pains, difficulty in chewing , have developed extensive tooth decay and are damaging or are likely to damage the adjacent tooth

Do i need to get my wisdom teeth removed ?

No, its not necessary to get your wisdom tooth or teeth removed. They might require to be removed only if they are impacted , causing jaw pains, difficulty in chewing , have developed extensive tooth decay and are damaging or are likely to damage the adjacent tooth

Types of wisdom teeth impactions

  1. Horizontal Impacti0n
  2. Vertical Impaction 
  3. Mesial Impaction
  4. Distal Impaction 

Damage to adjacent teeth

No, wisdom tooth removals are not painful. The procedure for wisdom tooth removal is only started after administered Local anesthesia has fully numbed/ anaesthetized the region